School of Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
The University of Queensland
Trauma, Critical Care and Recovery
Brisbane Diamantina Health Partners
Brisbane (QLD), Australia
Associate Professor Marc Ruitenberg conducted his doctoral research on spinal cord injury in the Neuroregeneration Laboratory of Professor Joost Verhaagen at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience. He was awarded his PhD for this work from the VU University Amsterdam (The Netherlands) in 2003. He then moved to Perth, joining the West Australian Neurotrauma Research Program as a postdoctoral fellow. Marc was recruited to The University of Queensland in 2009, where he heads the Neurotrauma Research Group, and is also appointed a Reader in Neuroanatomy within the Faculty of Medicine.
Marc’s research is focused on furthering our understanding of what actually happens inside the spinal cord when someone gets injured, how the body responds to it, and how inflammation influences recovery. His laboratory is combining pre-clinical research with the study of human SCI to achieve this.